
Aichi Prefecture Helmet Wearing Promotion Declaration (English translation)




Nihongi Elementary School has made the "Aichi Prefecture Helmet Wearing Declaration"

(English machine translation by google)

Nihongi Elementary School agrees with the purpose of the "Aichi Prefecture Helmet Wearing Promotion Declaration" and established the following policy on September 1st to actively promote the wearing of helmets.
As a parent, your child's life is the most precious treasure of all.
When riding a bicycle, protect your life by wearing a helmet.
Adults and children alike, please follow traffic rules to save lives.
Parents should firmly instruct their children to wear a helmet to protect their own lives.
Declaration to promote wearing helmets
・We will work together as a school to promote traffic safety guidance from the perspective of "defense" to protect one's own life, including wearing helmets.
・In order to protect their own lives, we strongly encourage children to wear helmets when riding bicycles and teach them the importance of doing so.
・We will help parents understand the school's stance on traffic safety, and together we will instruct children to wear helmets.
・We ask parents and local residents to wear helmets when riding bicycles to raise safety awareness throughout the community.
The fatal traffic accident that occurred on the way to school at the junior high school where our children attend school made us keenly aware of the sad fact that even if children follow the rules, lives are taken away and those lives will never be regained. We will never forget this fact. In addition, with a strong determination to never cause another casualty, we will work together with the local community to promote traffic safety guidance and the wearing of helmets, focusing on the "defense" of protecting one's own life.