校訓「質実剛健」   生徒会スローガン「We love 桜井中」
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The trial period of the 1st grade club activities has started. The 1st grade students have carefully selected which club they want to join, and today was the first day. For some students it was the first time that they tried their hand at their respective club activities, and some are already veterans since primary school. Regardless, the 2nd and 3rd graders taught their "kouhai" very kindly and diligently. The first graders also listened very carefully and did their best during the hour of club activities today.


The weather was very hot today, and it was the first time after the weekend for most 1st grade students to move about for an extended period of time, so please make sure that you take some salt supplements and keep out of the sun for the rest of the day. It's supposed to get up to 33 degrees celsius tomorrow, so please take it easy.

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